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The People of Summit Safety, Inc.
Wayne Haase completed SB, SM, and EE degrees in electrical engineering at MIT and a Ph.D in electrical engineering at Stanford University. He has been a consulting engineer for 35 years. In the summer of 2003, he was appointed as a full voting member of the NFPA's new Electronic Safety Equipment (ESE) Committee.

Malcom Mac Gregor is a retired, 38-year veteran of the Fire Service. He served as Fire Chief of Acton, Massachusetts for 14 years. He is a certified fire and explosion investigator, and currently works part time as an origin and cause investigator for insurance companies.

Zachary Haase has studied civil engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, and transferred to Worcester Polytechnic Institute in order to pursue a combined civil engineering and fire science education. He has served as an EMT and firefighter with the Swissvale Volunteer Fire Department in Swissvale, Pennsylvania.

Jodi Haase has a BS degree in Hospitality Management from the University of North Texas and is completing her MBA with a concentration in Human Resources Management from the University of Phoenix, Westborough, MA. Her experience includes sales, marketing, customer service and Human Resources.

Cindy Haase majored in speech communication and sociology at California State University, Humboldt and has an MA in special education from Santa Clara University. Prior to working with Summit, she was a teacher and a reporter.

Philippe Monin is a graduate in mechanical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He has a background in heat transfer and mechanical design.

Updated 04/09/05
© Firefighter image copyright Survivair, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
© Copyright Summit Safety, Inc. 2005. All Rights Reserved.